Complete answers to the questions put to school board members | Opinion | Lee's Summit Journal

Complete answers to the questions put to school board members | Opinion | Lee's Summit Journal

Here is the problem with the Lee's Summit School Board.  There are too many on the board that do not do what is in the best interest of the district.  That it my opinion and I have come to that conclusion after many years of dealing with the district and the board. Please read the whole article.  This is just a summary.

Members of the Lee’s Summit R-7 School Board were asked by columnist John Beaudoin this week to reply to the following questions:
Question 1: Do you support Dr. David McGehee’s public call for the resignation of board member Bill Baird?
Question 2: Do you believe the media attention, although possibly difficult to read at first, will ultimately lead to better dialogue and understanding among board members, administration and the community?
The full text of answers follow; portions of these responses are included in Beaudoin’s April 1 column.
Phyllis Balagna
2. In the time I have been on the R7 School Board, we have consistently had positive, analytical and forward-thinking dialogue. In light of recent events, our dialogue has become deeper, and has forced us to evaluate the scope of our work further. Challenges that we have faced have made us stronger individually, which makes us stronger as a board. While we have typically been on the same page, it is more clear to us than ever that no ONE person is more important than the WHOLE.
Chris Storms
2. There was so much misinformation and false statements provided in the letter to the paper that has tainted the exemplary reputation of our District, Board and Administration. I believe it will be years before the opinions that have been wrongly formed will be able to be repaired.
Terri Harmon
2. I do not believe that the media attention has been beneficial. As a board, we were well on our way to addressing concerns that were raised using established processes and procedures. It is unfortunate that one of our members decided to circumvent that process. There is a large amount of information that has been presented to the public as facts that is actually opinion. The misinformation is causing some in the public to jump to conclusions that are not supported by the facts.
Bob White
2. Not necessarily.
Julie Doane
2. Yes.
Adam Rutherford
No response.


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