Mr. Bishop

Mr. Felton Bishop is the the PE teacher at Prairie View Elementary.  He is an amazing teacher, but beyond that he is an amazing human being.  For the life of me I don't understand why he had not been promoted. We have people coming from Ray-Pec and then leaving half way through the year.  Why wasn't Mr. Bishop promoted?

He has the ability to make each student feel important and special.  He made an autistic child feel special and made an impact on his life.  He found what strengths he had and helped him develop them.  He didn't see the negative side of the child.  He didn't give up because he had no athletic tendencies.  He made this child feel special.

How many of our teachers can make an impact on our child's lives?  Why aren't they rewarded for not only doing their job, but going above and beyond?  Instead we have imported employees from other districts that are not willing to work with parents and quit half way through their contract.

I guess I will never understand how the education system works.  I guess that doing your job and being a human being is not enough.  I guess you need to know the right people and be willing to never stand up for your students.  That's what I have seen over and over.  So sad.


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