New law requires cameras in special education classrooms - TheAutismWorld.Com

New law requires cameras in special education classrooms - TheAutismWorld.Com

A new bill was passed Friday that would require school districts
across the State of Texas to install cameras inside Special Education

“Parents with normal children, they worry about their kids going to
school. Parents who have their special angels it’s more of a worry,”
said Velma Torres a Parent of a special needs child.

Velma Torres is one of many special needs parents that are happy that
video cameras will be placed in the special needs classroom. So is
Veronica Contreras. Contreras says her son has multiple disabilities and
he can’t speak for himself.

“There was an incident when he came home with a black eye and nobody
could tell me what happened. At least this way we could go back and look
what happened, to see how to prevent it from happening again,” said
Veronica Contreras.

The cameras would have to cover all areas of the classroom except for
the bathroom or any place where a students might change. They will only
be placed in classrooms where students spend 50 percent of the day.
Schools will be required to keep the video for at least 6 months but the
big question for everyone is who is going to pay for these cameras?

“We know that it’s a non funded mandate. We have not seen any funding
for video equipment or for anything that is related to the bill,” said
Sue Nelson the Superintendent at Tuloso Midway.

School districts across the state have several concerns about this bill they feel like they weren’t asked for input.

“It really poses a problem budget wise personnel wise legally I think there is going to be some issues with it,” said Nelson.

But parents believe it’s a leap in the right direction

“It would give me a sense of peace to know that he is being taken care of,” said Contreras.

“I think things will change in the classroom knowing that there is cameras things will change,” said Torres.

We did speak with Texas Education Agency in Austin about this bill
they tell us that its still unsure how school are going to pay for these
cameras but at this point it looks like the cost would most likely fall
on the school district The law will go into effect for the 2016 school


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