Would You Be Willing To Help Form A Parent Advisory Committee?

Would you be willing to help form a parent advisory committee?  The district has a citizens advisory committee, but they don't really represent the citizens.  They represent the school board, the school district, the chamber of commerce and other organizations in Lee's Summit.  We need something to represent US.

I tried to form a PAC in 2006, but I was naive and trusting.  I met with the Superintendent and Jerry Keimig. Jerry told me that he would have to be in charge of the PAC and he would pick the members.  Wouldn't that be just like the CAC?  How would that help?

So, I am going to give this a go again.  This would be a PAC for parents that want to interact with the district.  We would find the issues that we feel the district needs to address and present them to the district.  We can't do this individually. The district will place sanctions on you so that you can't approach the board or the superintendent.  The district will make statements about your truthfulness, sanity, or whatever else they can think of to slander you and attack your position.  I know of TOO MANY families that this has happened to.

Please consider joining us.  I started the Lee's Summit Autism Support Group in 2006 because of the issues our children faced in this district.  Why not start a group that will cover all of the issues.  The deceit, bullying, destruction of evidence, issues with the OCR that the district is covering up, employees that have bullied students, employees that have denied services and the education that our children are entitled to, etc.  I am ready to start this next chapter.  Will you join me?


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