Letter That I Sent To The School Board 2008

I sent this letter to the entire school board in 2008.  No one bothered to answer it.  

I am the mother of a child with Kanner's Syndrome/Early Infantile Autism.  My son is 14 years old and attends school in the Lee's Summit R-7 School District. 
I am the co-founder of the Lee's Summit Autism Support Group.  I co-founded this group in November, 2006 with another mother.  We were discouraged with the services that our children were receiving through the R-7 School District and with the lack of concern, on the part of the district, for our children's futures.
I have tried speaking with everyone involved in the district.  I have been professional, cordial, respectful, and non-combative.  In return, I have been met in the parking lot of the school district when I attended the dedication of the of the new administration building and asked if I was going to be disruptive.  I have been verbally assaulted by a principal and teacher in a meeting.  And my son is being left behind.
My son has the intelligence to become a productive member of society.  He has the social skills of a three year old.  Why?  Because I trusted the people that were supposed to be the experts and I put my son's life into their hands.  They held his future and they chose to do nothing.  I now am the proud mother of a child that will probably never leave home. 
My son has never received any services that are related to his autism.  He has a medical and educational diagnosis.  He has had goals removed from his IEP when they weren't even met.  He has goals on his IEP that were deleted from his IEP when he was in second grade.  These are social goals and it has made an impact on whether he will be productive in the future.  He has a medical condition that affects his ability to print.  The district has said that there is nothing wrong with him and it is his lack of desire to work.  His IEP states that he needs a keyboard or some device to type on.  He doesn't have one and hasn't for the entire year.
I invite each and every one of you to attend our next meeting.  I want you to hear the issues that our families face.  I truly believe that you could not walk away from that meeting and think that everything is being done for our children that should be done.
I will have a facilitator there so that the meeting will be productive and the atmosphere remain positive.  I have many members with issues and we feel that the time has come for the board to step up and hear our voices. 
We have done all that we know how to do and we are asking for you to look into your hearts and do what we all know is right. 
Per your board policies, I feel that we have met our obligations.
Grievance through Established Policy and Procedure
Students, employees and any members of the public are encouraged to utilize established policies
and procedures for offering suggestions or addressing concerns and complaints prior to bringing
the issue before the Board. The Board believes that many issues can be resolved by
communication with teachers, administrators and other staff and may refuse to address an issue if
the individual presenting it has not first attempted to resolve the matter through established
procedures and policies.
Agenda Items
Any member of the public who wishes to have an item placed on the agenda will present the
request in writing to the Secretary of the Board. The request must be submitted pursuant to Board
policy and received five (5) business days prior to the scheduled meeting. The item will then be
appropriately placed on the agenda. The Board reserves the right to impose reasonable restrictions
on the number of items to be considered, the number of spokespersons and the speaking time of
spokespersons appearing before the Board. If the meeting agenda is full, the Board reserves the
right to reschedule an item for the next regular meeting. The Board may refuse to address an
issue that has not gone through the appropriate grievance procedure. The Board reserves the right
to waive formalities in emergency situations, within the limitations of the law.
Any patron or group of patrons desiring to be included on the agenda for the purpose of
addressing the Board shall make a request to the superintendent five (5) days prior to the regular
Board meeting. The request shall be submitted in writing, and shall provide sufficient detail to
explain fully the issue(s) to be discussed. The Board reserves the right to limit the number of and
speaking time of spokespersons appearing before the Board. Unless unusual circumstances dictate
otherwise, the Board will not make a decision on an issue(s) presented by an individual or group
during that particular meeting. The Board reserves the right to waive formalities in emergency
situations, within the limitations of state statutes.
Our next meeting is February 4, 2008.  I would like for you to respond whether you can come or not.  We also have a meeting on the first Monday of March.  Or, we can meet at a time that would be good for all of you. 
Sherri R. Tucker
Michael Dodig
Gene Brixey
Manne Magady
Jeff Tindle
Patricia Buie
Jon R. Plaas
Jack Wiley
David McGehee
Ann Starlin-Horner
Mary Alice Neal
Stan Elliott
Jeff Miller
Jerry Keimig
Donna Southwick
Tony Stansberry
Janet Hoskins
Heidi Atkins Lieberman


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