Inappropriate "Services"
I have contacted many people, in the Lee's Summit school district, and none of their children are receiving appropriate social skills training for autism. Social skill is not a “service” but a functional skill necessary for daily living activities. Learn what the IDEA, the federal regulations, and the Commentary say about Present Levels of Functional Performance and IEP goals for functional skills. Read Pat Howey’s article What You Need to Know About IDEA: Present Levels of Functional Performance and Functional Goals in IEPs. Your child’s IEP must include a description of her Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance. This means what her strengths and weaknesses are – both in academics and in functional areas like social skills. If your child has “functional needs” the school must meet these and address these needs with goals in the IEP. Questions to Ask Remember, you are part of the IEP te...