Death at School: Child Restraints Spark Controversy | Video - ABC News

Death at School: Child Restraints Spark Controversy | Video - ABC News

Student was assigned to the ED classroom at Underwood Elementary for Twenty-four (24) school days.  During this time, the Student was placed in the Room on at least Fourteen (14) different school days, ranging from 420 minutes a day in the Room to 70 minutes.  The Student was placed in the Room for an equivalent of over nine (9) full days (3,860 minutes – 420 minutes in a full school day) (DEX 50, p. 1503).  Of the twenty-four
(24) school days the Student was absent three (3) days, and received out-of-school suspension
six (6) days.  (DEX 50)  There is only one (1) day during the 2003-2004 school year (24 attendance days) that Student remained in the ED classroom the entire day.  (DEX 50).


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