Fox C-6 Watchdogs: Superintendent Critchlow Announces Her Early Retirement Amid Internet Scandal!

Fox C-6 Watchdogs: Superintendent Critchlow Announces Her Early Retirement Amid Internet Scandal!

Superintendent Critchlow Announces Her Early Retirement Amid Internet Scandal!

Tuesday July 15, 2014 was a big news day for Superintendent
 Critchlow and the Fox C-6 school district! Dianne Critchlow
 emailed a statement to news outlets announcing her 
early retirement. In her statement she said that her early 
retirement had  nothing to do with accusations that she
 and other district employees  harassed parents on internet 
message boards as reported in the KSDK news story.

I found her comments humorous knowing all that I know about
 the online postings on Topix and documenting and analyzing
 them over the past 4 years.  People aren't as anonymous as
 they think they are and that's why it's not
 very smart to post things online that you wouldn't say in public.

That's why I also found it funny as to how friendly Dianne Critchlow
and Dan Baker were at the May 2014 Fox C-6 school board 
meeting. I already knew before the May 2014 school board
 meeting that some of the defamatory posts on Topix had been
 traced to their residences.

They had been contacted by their ISP's weeks before the
 May 2014 meeting and were asked if they could release
 their names after the ISP's had been subpoenaed for their 
account information related to comments posted on Topix. 
That's why the attorney had to file a motion to compel
 on April 14, 2014 because the owners of the accounts
 refused to release their information. So, stating that she
 was retiring early had nothing to do with accusations about
 the internet scandal was really funny to hear.

I guess that knowing that your name has been released due
 to a subpoena request related to your internet account changes
 how you act around those that you know must know as well.
 It doesn't mean that those involved aren't going to deny doing
 anything wrong. But, it definitely changes how they behave!

I laughed when I heard Superintendent Critchlow's statement on
 KSDK saying that the recent internet scandal had nothing to do
 with her early retirement. I also found it funny when I read in the
 Post Dispatch that her statement said that she had approached
 the board in May before the board was made aware of the 
allegations in the lawsuit.

The Fox C-6 school board probably didn't know about the internet 
allegations in mid May. But, Dianne Critchlow certainly knew that
 something was coming down the pike. In fact, I let the cat out of
 the bag when I commented on my Twitter account on March 15, 2014
 that we had obtained IP addresses from Topix. I deleted my post
 a couple of days later so we wouldn't tip anyone off. But, I think
 I already had.

In March, we didn't have the account names to go along with the 
Topix posts. Critchlow's statement said she told the board that 
she was retiring early because of health issues. I could see that
 it might be stressful knowing that your internet account and home
 address had been traced to online defamatory comments. That's
 why I found her comments funny. For her to not know about any 
comments being posted online is just laughable considering my
 efforts to get our school board to do the right thing for the last 6 years.

Superintendent Critchlow's statement about her retirement reminds 
me of the time when she told KSDK that the district has enough
 books for all of its students. However, if you talk to parents,
 teachers and some principals in the district you'll find out that
 the district doesn't have enough books for all of our students.
 It just sums up all of what's been going on for a very long time
 in our school district. It's a very sad ending to what could have 
been a good career had things been handled differently.

Anyone can deny being involved in nefarious behavior. 
Embattled leaders do it all the time. It doesn't make their 
statements true. But, it looks good in print and that's what
 you'll be able to Google for a very long time just like the
 comments that were made on Topix.

I believe that the majority of the community now realizes 
that they haven't been getting what they've been paying
 for over the last 9 years. They definitely haven't witnessed
 behavior that suggests that our district leadership represents
 a National District of Character that has been so heavily
 promoted by Superintendent Brown-Critchlow during her tenure.

Here are some of the recent news media stories related


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