Are Teachers Required to Provide All Accommodations & Modifications Listed in the Child's IEP?

This is my dear to me because my son's psychologist stated that my son needed one-on-one help with multiplication and division because he couldn't do either in the 10th grade.  Because of his dysgraphia he should be allowed to use a calculator in other areas of math that he understood.  The Autism Coordinator for the district said that they would just give him a calculator for all math. I stated that is not what the psychologist said and the AC said that was my interpretation.

Give Calculators or Teach Math Skills?
You asked about using calculators on a math test.
 Children must learn math skills - calculators are tools but they are not a substitute for the need to learn math skills.

Children must learn (memorize) the times tables up to 12 X 12 = 144. This means repetition, repetition, repetition, over and over, using flash cards, multi-sensory approaches, hands on. The child must master the times tables so their responses are automatic.
The child may still have problems - he may rotate the + to an x or write columns of numbers that look like a leaning Tower of Pisa. These errors are not because the child is ignorant of basic math skills (multiplication tables) but are often due to dysgraphia. The child should be taught how to correct for these errors.


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