Sherri Tucker's Qualifications For School Board

I am the President and Co-Founder of the Lee's Summit Autism Support Group

I am a member of the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Special Education Advisory Panel (DESE) (SEAP)

I was elected to the SEAP Executive Committee

I am the Chairperson for the Monitoring Committee for the SEAP

I am a resident of Lee's Summit

I have three children attending Lee's Summit High School

I am the only candidate that is familiar with NCLB, OSEP, IDEA, and special education. I have extensive knowledge in these areas and I am familiar with the how the district is not following the spirit of the law.

I have a 15 year old son that has been diagnosed with Kanner's Syndrome/Early Infantile Autism, Dysgraphia, Inattentive ADHD, and Anxiety Disorder.

I just paid a $700 medical bill because school causes my son so much anxiety that he was taking medication to be able to attend school. His liver became damaged, because of the medication, and I have had to take him to a liver specialist. He can no longer take the medication and his anxiety level is once again elevated.

I am a parent advocate and I attend IEP meetings with other parents that are having the same issues with the district.

I receive phone calls on a daily basis from other parents that are at their wits end because of the issues with the school district. I console them, educate them, and advise them. I do this for free. Everything that I do for children with special needs is done without cost to the families and usually requires me to use my own money.


Anonymous said…
"I am the only candidate that is familiar with NCLB, OSEP, IDEA, and special education." What proof do you have that this statement is true?

"I am the only candidate that is familiar with NCLB, OSEP, IDEA, and special education." What proof do you have the school caused this? It seems to me that the home environment probably contributes more to this issue.
Anonymous said…
I predicted that you would be humiliated in the election and I was correct. You received 15% of the vote and a guy who withdrew got half as many votes as you did. Wake up no one wants your radical agenda represented in this city. Bye Bye. Take some evening courses in math and learn the basics of math. Your minimal education will not cut it in the academic world.
Anonymous said…
A school district cannot provide "special education" for each "different" child. Your special interest is in only providing for your child with a disability. Why not opt for a private school or institution for your child. Then you would not be in such a tizzy.
faceofautism said…
To all of you that poar anonymous I would like to say that I have the guts to use my name and not hide behind anonymous.

Number one, my son's disability was not caused by the home environment. Science has already proven that.

Number two, you predicted that I would be humiliated. Really. How was I humiliated? Was it because the winners formed a group campaign and are in thick with everything else in this city? How dare you suggest that I am not intelligent. What is my radical agenda? That all children should receive the free and appropriate education that they are entitled to?

Number three, if you understood IDEA you would know that an IEP guarantees each student with a disability an idividualized education. Do you wish to pay for my child's private education? I am paying for your child's public education. I will not institutionalize my child because I live in a city that refuses to stand up for the rights all of of its citizens.
faceofautism said…
Before you attack me. It was supposed to be post and I know how to spell.
Anonymous said…
I am not even from this district and I cannot believe that someone would suggest a child be taken away from their family and put in an institution! I bet things would be a lot different if it was your child or one of the big shots in the school district!
faceofautism said…
I no longer have children in this district. Two of them have graduated and one has dropped out. One of the graduates had to take remedial classes in college. It wasn't lack of effort on her part or mine. Once again, the school district failed to implement her IEP.

I would bet that the folks that have posted negative comments on here are receiving a salary that is coming from my tax dollars.

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