Reform Missouri's schools at half the cost : News

Reform Missouri's schools at half the cost : News

The 1993 court ruling by Cole County Circuit Judge Byron Kinder still exists today as follows: “The system of public schools in Missouri is a state system, not separate district systems.”
Then why are all 522 Missouri public school districts still existing today as separate school district systems?
If all of the 522 school districts are abolished, there would be no more unequal school district property taxes to pay, no more school district superintendents to pay, no more school board elections, no more school district bonds to pay, and no more statewide 1 cent sales tax for education to pay that funds school districts.
Each of the 2,200 separate public schools and principals that are within the 522 school districts are already monitored by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, the state school superintendent and the state school board.


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