New law requires cameras in special education classrooms - TheAutismWorld.Com
New law requires cameras in special education classrooms - TheAutismWorld.Com A new bill was passed Friday that would require school districts across the State of Texas to install cameras inside Special Education classes. “Parents with normal children, they worry about their kids going to school. Parents who have their special angels it’s more of a worry,” said Velma Torres a Parent of a special needs child. Velma Torres is one of many special needs parents that are happy that video cameras will be placed in the special needs classroom. So is Veronica Contreras. Contreras says her son has multiple disabilities and he can’t speak for himself. “There was an incident when he came home with a black eye and nobody could tell me what happened. At least this way we could go back and look what happened, to see how to prevent it from happening again,” said Veronica Contreras. The cameras would have to cover all areas of the classroom except for the bathroom or any p...