
Showing posts from August, 2014

Grades for local school districts a mix of good, bad |

Grades for local school districts a mix of good, bad | KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The report cards are in and most Kansas City-area schools showed good improvement on their Annual Performance Reports — though a few took a step backwards. The APR scores determine whether a school district retains accreditation. The good news: 97 percent of Missouri school districts scored high enough to remain fully accredited. The bad news: overall student test scores in English language, arts and math fell slightly. Final APR scores are not just based on student testing. They are also based on overall attendance, the graduation rate, and college and career readiness. A score of 70 and above means full accreditation. Above 50 means partial accreditation. Below that, the district can become unaccredited. Below are the scores of some of the local school districts. To look up your school’s scores, visit: Districts that showed improvement...

Lee's Summit's Scores Fall

2014 LEA Annual Performance Report (APR) - Final LEA Summary Report MSIP 5 LEE'S SUMMIT R-VII (048071) Back to MSIP 5 To Supporting Data   2013 2014 2015 APR Total Points 134.5/140 129.5/140   Percent of Points 96.1% 92.5%   MSIP 5 Standards Points Possible Points Earned Percent Earned 1. Academic Achievement 56.0 48.0 85.7% 2. Subgroup Achievement 14.0 11.5 82.1% 3. College and Career Ready (CCR) 30.0 30.0 100.0% 4. Attendance 10.0 10.0 100.0% 5. Graduation Rate 30.0 30.0 100.0% Total 140.0 129.5 92.5%

Annual Yearly Progress

Missouri Assessment Program Adequate Yearly Progress - Final School: District Overall District: LEE'S SUMMIT R-VII (048071)       2011 Groups Met Communication Arts 10 3 Mathematics 10 7     Required Action District Improvement Level 3, Corrective Action, Continuing OVERALL STATUS 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Communication Arts Not Met Not Met Met Not Met Not Met Not Met Not Met Not Met Not Met Not Met       Mathematics Met Not Met Met Met Met Met Not Met Not Met Not Met Not Met       Attendance Rate Met Met Met Met Met Met Met Met Met       Graduation Rate Met Met Met Met Met Met Met Met Met