
Showing posts from October, 2012

Special Educators Call For Leeway In Judging Performance - Disability Scoop

Special Educators Call For Leeway In Judging Performance - Disability Scoop

Kate Casas: NCLB Waivers: Closing Achievement Gap Requires Policy Overhaul, Not Tweaks

Kate Casas: NCLB Waivers: Closing Achievement Gap Requires Policy Overhaul, Not Tweaks

9-Year-Old's Family Asks School District to Drop Due Process Hearing - Wentzville, MO Patch

9-Year-Old's Family Asks School District to Drop Due Process Hearing - Wentzville, MO Patch

R-3 settles civil rights complaint - Lebanon Daily Record : Local News: office for civil rights, lebanon r-3 school district, special education, advocates for lebanon r-3 special education,

R-3 settles civil rights complaint - Lebanon Daily Record : Local News: office for civil rights, lebanon r-3 school district, special education, advocates for lebanon r-3 special education, DESE found that the Lebanon trailers were perfectly normal school buildings.  OCR did not. In a resolution with the Office for Civil Rights, the Lebanon R-3 School District has agreed to move the two special education classrooms currently being held in mobile homes at the Lebanon Junior High School to its elementary schools. An investigation that began last spring has finally culminated with the Lebanon R-3 School District agreeing to the OCR’s terms and signing a resolution agreement on Tuesday. The district has until March 1, 2013, to submit a plan about how the district will relocate the classrooms. The move must take place by the beginning of the 2013-2014 school year. The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education visited the district September 28, 2012 and found the...

Petition | Missouri State School Board: Examine the actual public comments submitted to MODESE special education |

Petition | Missouri State School Board: Examine the actual public comments submitted to MODESE special education |

Education Week: 'Restorative Practices': Discipline But Different

Education Week: 'Restorative Practices': Discipline But Different

Seclusion rooms expose Arizona's lack of regulations | Phoenix

Seclusion rooms expose Arizona's lack of regulations | Phoenix

Elementary school faces lawsuit over padded seclusion room | Phoenix

Elementary school faces lawsuit over padded seclusion room | Phoenix

Advocates Renew Call For Restraint, Seclusion Reform - Disability Scoop

Advocates Renew Call For Restraint, Seclusion Reform - Disability Scoop

Who is Responsible for Providing a Free Appropriate Public Education? How to Document Your Concerns When You Disgree with the IEP Team by Pete Wright and Pam Wright -

Who is Responsible for Providing a Free Appropriate Public Education? How to Document Your Concerns When You Disgree with the IEP Team by Pete Wright and Pam Wright -

Individualized Instruction is Not One-Size-Fits All

Individualized Instruction is Not One-Size-Fits All

My Letter To Tony Stansberry That He Ignored

My son is 13 years old and has been diagnosed with PDD-NOS (when he was 5), Kanner's Syndrome (from the E-3 form through the Autism Research Institute)and Asperger's Syndrome, Inattentive ADHD, and Dysgraphia (through Children's Mercy Hospital when he was 13). He had not had a private or school evaluation since he was five years old, until this year, when I requested that his school give him one. I have never had a reason to have him reevaluated until now. That means that he had not been evaluated for seven years. My son attended Prairie View, in Lee's Summit, from kindergarten until 6th grade. The educators at that school are amazing, caring, and wonderful people. I never had to ask for a thing for my son. They knew what he needed and they did it. My son is now in middle school. In the spring of 2005 we met with the people from Prairie View and Pleasant Lea. We came up with provisions for his middle school years. His educators from Prairie View came up ...