
Showing posts from February, 2013

Lees Summit's Restraint and Seclusion Policy$File/JGGA_-C.LS7.pdf?OpenElement$File/IGBC_-C.LS7.pdf?OpenElement$File/IGBC_-C.LS7.pdf?OpenElement Funny, but they told me that I was not an equal partner in making decisions for my son's education.    Parent/Family Involvement Goals and Plan The Board of Education recognizes the importance of an environment that encourages collaboration with parents, families and other members of the community. Therefore, the district will develop and implement a plan to facilitate parent/family involvement that shall include the following six (6) goals: 1. Promote regular, two-way, meaningful communication between home and school. 2. Promote and support responsible parenting. 3. Recognize the fact that parents/families play an integral role in assisting their children to learn. 4. Promote a safe and open atmosphere for parents/families to visit the schools their children attend, and actively solicit parent/family support and assistance for school programs. 5. Include parents as full pa...

Jeff Grisamore Not: HB 513 Protection of Parental Rights

Jeff Grisamore Not: HB 513 Protection of Parental Rights

Letter to the Editor: Rockwood School Board Must Represent the Public - Eureka-Wildwood, MO Patch

Letter to the Editor: Rockwood School Board Must Represent the Public - Eureka-Wildwood, MO Patch

You Paid For It – Rockwood School District Faces State Audit | – St. Louis News & Weather from KTVI Television FOX2

You Paid For It – Rockwood School District Faces State Audit | – St. Louis News & Weather from KTVI Television FOX2

Federal Anti-Bullying Legislation to Be Reintroduced—Again - Rules for Engagement - Education Week

Federal Anti-Bullying Legislation to Be Reintroduced—Again - Rules for Engagement - Education Week This should include bullying by teachers and administrators, too.  That happens quite a bit in Lee's Summit. Federal Anti-Bullying Legislation to Be Reintroduced—Again By  Nirvi Shah  on  February 22, 2013 9:43 AM   |   No comments Will the current Congress be any more accepting of federal anti-bullying legislation? Democratic Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania is once again pushing for a federal law that would, among other things: Require schools and districts that receive federal funding to adopt codes of conduct banning bullying and harassment—specifically prohibiting harassment on the basis of a student's actual or perceived race, color, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or religion; Require states to collect information on bullying and harassment and report it to the U.S.Department of Education;and, Require states ...

MO Speaker Series Featuring Tom Bloch   February 28, 2013 |

MO Speaker Series Featuring Tom Bloch   February 28, 2013 |

Top 10 snappy answers to annoying comments about autism | Autism Support Network

Top 10 snappy answers to annoying comments about autism | Autism Support Network Top 10 snappy answers to annoying comments about autism Lisa Jo Rudy share email print If you're a parent with a child on the spectrum, you've probably responded to the same annoying remarks and questions a thousand times. Here's a handy list of responses'll probably never use out loud (but are fun to imagine using)! 1. He can’t be autistic -- he can talk! (or make eye contact, smile, engage) And yet, amazingly, he’s still autistic! Y’see, autism is a spectrum disorder, and that means … 2. Oh, she must be SO good at math! (or science or music) Actually, her great talent is in memorizing and reciting lines from Sponge Bob videos! (Or those annoying Thomas the Tank Engine songs!) 3. All he needs is more discipline, and he’ll get the message. Yup, it’s true -- if you give a child enough time outs, he’ll just stop being autistic. And if I speak French to you loudly enough, ...

Workplace Disability Discrimination Claims Hit Record - Disability Scoop

Workplace Disability Discrimination Claims Hit Record - Disability Scoop

Inclusion The Default At Innovative School - Disability Scoop

Inclusion The Default At Innovative School - Disability Scoop

When Autistic Children Are Children No More - Chicago magazine - March 2013 - Chicago

When Autistic Children Are Children No More - Chicago magazine - March 2013 - Chicago

Lake County teacher's aide arrested

Lake County teacher's aide arrested

subjected to an audit by the state auditor’s office after a random selection process zeroed in on the district.

Where’s the love? Where’s the love? Feb. 14 meeting to include presentation from state auditor’s office By Toriano Porter subjected to an audit by the state auditor’s office after a random selection process zeroed in on the district. Kelly Davis, a representative from the state auditor’s office, will be on hand at the Lee’s Summit R-7 School Board meeting Feb. 14 to provide information concerning the scope, process and timeline for the audit. R-7 officials were informed in January that the district is among several in Missouri participating in an audit this year through the state auditor’s office. A state statute provides the authority for the auditor’s office to audit public school districts. The district was selected randomly by the state for the audit, which will be paid for by the state. “Right now we are in the early stages of the process,” said Spence Jackson, a spokesman for the state auditor’s office. “There’s not much to tell.” In an email press releas...

Blue Springs mother outraged school district allowed to investigate alleged abuse internally

Blue Springs mother outraged school district allowed to investigate alleged abuse internally

Average Teacher Salary in Lee's Summit

Average Teacher Salary in Lee's Summit R-VII The average teacher salary in Lee's Summit R-VII is $41,480. Grade Level Average 10th percentile 25th percentile Median 75th percentile 90th percentile Pre-school $26,000 $16,310 $18,220 $22,560 $30,960 $42,100 Kindergarten $47,950 $31,570 $36,560 $43,950 $55,770 $72,000 Elementary $45,630 $31,090 $35,500 $41,830 $52,230 $66,780 Middle school $43,220 $30,170 $35,310 $41,710 $50,480 $59,810 High school $44,600 $31,440 $36,200 $43,130 $52,090 $62,230

Accountability and the Fox School District - Arnold, MO Patch

Accountability and the Fox School District - Arnold, MO Patch

S U P E RI NTEN D E N T 'S   C O N TR A C T T h i s C O N TR A C T made and entered into on this 17th day of February , 2006. b y and between   the BOARD OF E D UC A TI O N O F REORGANI Z E D SC HOOL D I S TRI CT N O . 7 OF J AC K S O N CO UN T Y, MI S S O U RI ( h ereinafter ref e r r ed to as B O A R D ), and Dr . D a v id M c G e h ee, an individual (hereinafter referred   to as S U P E R I N T E N D E N T ) , W I TN E S S E TH: 1.                   A ppointment   of   Superintendent.            Pursuan t to Section 168.2 0 I , R . S . M o . , the BO A RD does hereby appoint and employ the S U P E RI NTEN D ENT for the position of Superintendent of Schools for the B O A RD for a term   of three (3) years. beginning on Ju...