
Showing posts from December, 2011

6th Cir. Allows Teacher Retaliation Lawsuit in School Bullying Case - Civil Rights Law - U.S. Sixth Circuit

6th Cir. Allows Teacher Retaliation Lawsuit in School Bullying Case - Civil Rights Law - U.S. Sixth Circuit

88 Percent of Missouri Public Schools Fail Federal Standards

88 Percent of Missouri Public Schools Fail Federal Standards Lee's Summit is one of those public schools that failed federal standards and they have failed it for several years in a row.

R-7 joins lawsuit to prevent KC transfer costs

R-7 joins lawsuit to prevent KC transfer costs

No Child Left Behind Waivers Leave Behind Students With Disabilities

No Child Left Behind Waivers Leave Behind Students With Disabilities

School accused of putting autistic student in bag - WKRN, Nashville, Tennessee News, Weather and Sports |

School accused of putting autistic student in bag - WKRN, Nashville, Tennessee News, Weather and Sports

Civil Rights Office Expands Its Reach Into Schools

Civil Rights Office Expands Its Reach Into Schools

IEP problem with Lee Summit High School not help My Teens - YouTube

IEP problem with Lee Summit High School not help My Teens - YouTube

School board incumbents to seek re-election

School board incumbents to seek re-election

Lee’s Summit R-7 Board of Education to Meet This Evening « KC Education Enterprise

Lee’s Summit R-7 Board of Education to Meet This Evening « KC Education Enterprise

Duncan's 82% NCLB Failure Prediction Way Off Base, New Data Show

Duncan's 82% NCLB Failure Prediction Way Off Base, New Data Show In fact, only three states, plus the District of Columbia, actually hit or exceeded Duncan's estimate on failure to make AYP: the District, at 87 percent; Florida; at 89 percent; Missouri, at 88 percent; and New Mexico, at 87 percent.

USA Swimming Coaches Molested, Secretly Taped Dozens of Teen Swimmers - ABC News

USA Swimming Coaches Molested, Secretly Taped Dozens of Teen Swimmers - ABC News

School system facing two lawsuits | school, filed, lawsuits - Burlington Times News

School system facing two lawsuits school, filed, lawsuits - Burlington Times News

The adventures of Princess Sophia: Teachers.... abuse of authority....... and disabilities

The adventures of Princess Sophia: Teachers.... abuse of authority....... and disabilities

District Report Card

District Report Card

District Report Card

DISTRICT REPORT CARD LEE'S SUMMIT R-VII (048071) Contact Information (23) NCLB -- School Improvement School Status SCHOOL NAME AYP2011 Required Action Feeder School Title I Status Years Receiving Sanctions BERNARD C. CAMPBELL MIDDLE Not Met Non Title I School Improvement Year 4 6 CEDAR CREEK ELEM. Not Met Non Title I School Improvement Year 1 1 GREENWOOD ELEM. Not Met Non Title I No Sanctions 0 HAWTHORN HILL ELEM. Not Met Non Title I School Improvement Year 2 3 HAZEL GROVE ELEM. Not Met Non Title I School Improvement Year 3 4 HIGHLAND PARK ELEM. Met Non Title I No Sanctions 0 HILLTOP SCHOOL Not Met Non Title I School Improvement Year 4 4 LEE'S SUMMIT ELEM. Not Met Title I No Sanctions Y 0 LEE'S SUMMIT NORTH HIGH Not Met Non Title I School Improvement Year 1 1 LEE'S SUMMIT SR. HIGH Not Met Non Title I No Sanctions 0 LEE'S SUMMIT WEST HIGH Not Met Non Title I No Sanctions 0 LONGVIEW FARM ELEM. Not Met Non Title I School Improvement Y...

North Carolina Recreational Therapy Association

North Carolina Recreational Therapy Association How can recreation be included as a "related service" in my child's IEP? Segments from the Therapeutic Recreation in Public Schools (Project TRIPS) web site: Are you aware that recreation has been identified as a related service ever since The Education for All Handicapped Children's Act was authorized in 1975? Many parents are not. The basic entitlements of P.L. 94-142 provide for a free, appropriate public education for all children. In providing appropriate educational services to all students with disabilities, the local education agency must ensure that these students receive all related services necessary for the child to benefit from special education. Related services as defined by the law include: speech pathology and audiology, psychological services, physical and occupational therapy, recreation, early identification and assessment of disabilities in children, c...

Supreme Court Seeks Input On Special Education Case - Disability Scoop

Supreme Court Seeks Input On Special Education Case - Disability Scoop

Group Offers Advice To Parents On Restraint, Seclusion - Disability Scoop

Group Offers Advice To Parents On Restraint, Seclusion - Disability Scoop

Restraint, Seclusion Overlooked In Education Bill - Disability Scoop

Restraint, Seclusion Overlooked In Education Bill - Disability Scoop

Disability A Focus As School Bullying Protections Grow - Disability Scoop

Disability A Focus As School Bullying Protections Grow - Disability Scoop

Sex Abuse Lawsuit Against USA Swimming | Video - ABC News

Sex Abuse Lawsuit Against USA Swimming Video - ABC News

USA Swimming Scandal

USA Swimming Scandal


Calendar The USA Swimming Team uses the Lee's Summit R-7 Aquatic Center for practice. They have the prime time hours.

Candidate Filing

Candidate Filing SCHOOL BOARD ELECTIONSPublic Notice of Filing The Lee’s Summit R-7 School District will accept Declarations of Candidacy for any person interested in running for a position on the School Board in the April 3, 2012 election. Persons interested may file with the Secretary of the Board of Education at the school district’s offices located at 301 NE Tudor Road, Lee’s Summit, Missouri 64086.Filing will begin on December 20, 2011 at 8 a.m. The office will close at 4 p.m. on December 21, 2011 for the holidays. Filing will continue during the district’s regular business hours, January 3 through January 17, 2012, which are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Filing will not occur on days that the school district’s offices are closed due to inclement weather. The district’s offices will be closed on December 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, and January 2 and 16 and, therefore, will not be accepting candidate filings on those dates. Filing will end on January 17, 2012, with...

Missouri Wants Out of No Child Left Behind « CBS St. Louis

Missouri Wants Out of No Child Left Behind « CBS St. Louis

Why "No Parents Allowed"? - - Protecting Children by Empowering Parents 

Why "No Parents Allowed"? - - Protecting Children by Empowering Parents

Adam’s Story Excerpt

Adam’s Story Excerpt Mommy, I Wish I Could Tell You What They Did To Me In School Today Everyday Atrocities Faced by Special Needs Children By Richard S. Stripp, Sr. IN LOVING MEMORY OF NOAH V. VARCADIPANE8/4/1996 – 11/14/2009 “MOMMY’S SUPERMAN” The children and adult characters in this book are based on students and individuals that the author has interacted with and/or worked with directly. The majority of children who “speak” in this book are non-verbal. Their words which you will read are fictitious and were never spoken by them but are based on actual events that occurred in their lives. It is the author’s belief that if the non-verbal children in this book could speak, what you are about to read is what they might have said. Any conversations between the author and anyone in the book are based on actual events and conversations. “Never, never be afraid to do what’s right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society’s punishments are small compared to t...

Stuck in RTI Purgatory

Stuck in RTI Purgatory

Progress Monitoring -

Progress Monitoring -

Specific Learning Disabilities, Discrepancy and Response to Intervention Models & IDEA 2004 by Peter W. D. Wright & Pamela Darr Wright - Wrightslaw

Specific Learning Disabilities, Discrepancy and Response to Intervention Models & IDEA 2004 by Peter W. D. Wright & Pamela Darr Wright - Wrightslaw

Tax-Wary Voters, Needy Schools a Volatile Mix

Tax-Wary Voters, Needy Schools a Volatile Mix

NCLB Waiver Plans Offer Hodgepodge of Grading Systems

NCLB Waiver Plans Offer Hodgepodge of Grading Systems

Manassas Swim Coach Suspended After Sex Allegations |

Manassas Swim Coach Suspended After Sex Allegations

Lawsuit accuses former KC-area swim coach of inappropriate sexual behavior - Law Firm Shamberg, Johnson & Bergman, Chtd. Attorneys Kansas City, Missouri

Lawsuit accuses former KC-area swim coach of inappropriate sexual behavior - Law Firm Shamberg, Johnson & Bergman, Chtd. Attorneys Kansas City, Missouri

Case For Girl Put In Closet

07/21/2008 Hearing/Trial Cancelled Scheduled For: 07/25/2008; 9:30 AM ; SANDRA C. MIDKIFF; Jackson - Kansas City 05/06/2008 Notice Transfer Notice & Case Management Conference Case Mgmt Conf Scheduled Associated Entries: 07/21/2008 - Hearing/Trial Cancelled Scheduled For: 07/25/2008; 9:30 AM ; SANDRA C. MIDKIFF; Jackson - Kansas City 04/30/2008 Judge Assigned 04/23/2007 Summons Returned Non-Est Document ID - 07-SMCC-2304; Served To - MATHES, STACI; Server - INDEP. DEPUTY; Served Date - 13-APR-07; Served Time - 23:59:00; Service Type - Civil Process Server; Reason Description - Unable to Serve Summons Returned Non-Est Document ID - 07-SMCC-2302; Served To - KEIMIG, JERRY; Server - INDEP. DEPUTY; Served Date - 13-APR-07; Served Time - 23:59:00; Service Type - Civil Process Server; Reason Description - Unable to Serve Summons Returned Non-Est Document ID - 07-SMCC-2303; Served To - KEIMIG, JERRY; Server - INDEP. DEPUTY; Served Date - 13-APR-07; S...